I have always been fascinated with these islands but more importantly, with their inhabitants. There are few other, similar places, on this earth that are homes to so many unique and sometimes bizarre creatures.
As time has passed, it's obvious to me and many others that the Galapagos are something we need to preserve and more importantly, to respect. Not just the islands themselves but the inhabitants as well. Then, there are the others who throw themselves on the island and let there own, personal greed plot their course.

And speaking of the islands and in honor of Charles Darwin (he discovered them), here is an article that I recently read that may help "those" who have allowed themselves to be so completely selfish and disrespectful. How can we possibly show such disregard to those that came, long before us. - ron beck
By David Shukman Science and environment correspondent, BBC News |
On the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth, the director of the Darwin Foundation says there is only a decade to avoid an ecological disaster.
In a BBC interview, Gabriel Lopez calls for limits on the level of visitors.
Last year, the number of tourists reached a record of 173,000, a four-fold increase over the past 20 years.
The rising numbers have led to a boom in the construction of hotels and a surge in imports from mainland Ecuador.
At the harbor in the main town of Puerto Ayora, I watched dock workers transfer crates and sacks of rice and maize from cargo ships on to barges for the journey ashore.
The airport on Baltra island, which serves the archipelago, sometimes handles half a dozen flights every day - the number has doubled in the last eight years. The aircraft cabins are sprayed before landing but evidently some insects are getting through.

One of the most aggressive is the fire ant - tiny but with a powerful sting - an example in its own right of the evolutionary principle of survival of the vicious.
Inexorable march
In a field outside the village of Bellavista, insect specialist Henri Herrera scraped away leaf litter to reveal a seething mass of the tiny red creatures.
"They're getting everywhere - it's a disaster. It could even mean that for some species the ants stop evolution."
Other threats include a parasitic fly which attacks young finches and mosquitoes - which could serve as a vector for diseases which are known to exist on the mainland but have not yet arrived here.
The government of Ecuador has drawn up an action plan to curb this menace. Criticised by the UN agency UNESCO - which in 2007 listed the Galapagos as a world heritage site in danger - the authorities are now introducing tougher measures.
The director of the Galapagos National Park, Edgar Munoz, accepts that invasive species pose the most serious risk to the islands but says the government's actions will tackle the threat.
Earlier conservation efforts - to cull several islands of feral goats which eat the plants giant tortoises depend on - have proved successful but some experts warn that eliminating particular insects will be far harder.
For Ecuador, a developing country, the Galapagos provides a major source of revenue. But a balance will need to found if the islands are to preserve what makes them so special.
Published: 2009/02/11 22:18:18 GMT