there are star ships and then there are battlestar's. there are leaders who sit in a chair and those who stand by their crew. commander adama's character returns once again to protect the fleet and leed them through space, in search of a new home we call earth. the galactica was the last remaining battlestar after the cylon invasion. she was designed to protect what remained of the colony's and the survivors of tragedy on planet coball. in the early series, which i watched faithfully, there were always day to day battles with the cylons. from time we got a few glimpses into the private lives of the characters. the show then presented itself as a space age sci-fi and always focused on the "futuristic" element first.
the new series is very much like that also but the creators are very committed to keeping the show believable and emotional inviting. you can't help but feel anger, happiness and pain (it's that well written) as you find yourself becoming involved with the crew. things like cancer, networking, alcoholism and team work are an every episode thing. the show also offers a few alternative ideas like

man-toaster love or a female president. vote Hillary! many of the original characters have resurfaced in the new sci-fi original series along with a few new ones. sorry boys, this time around starbuck is a girl! and for lusty blokes, there is plenty of eye candy and poster boys. i've just finished watching both season 1 & 2 (20+ episodes) and i'm still hungry for more. season 1's cliff hanger was great but season 2's will blow you out of the water! the episode is truly shocking when you consider it's on tv. find the time to see this series; tv just got a big kick in the ass. expect more-the new galactica delivers. check out
this site for more info
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