Each answer has a range/value of 1 (strongly disagree) -2-3-4 & 5 (strongly agree). You select the number that best describes your response. At the end you total your score and compare it to the table provided at the end.

Here are the questions and my responses:
1 Over the past month, my overall health has been excellent. 3
2 Over the past month, it's been easy for me to perform common tasks (walking, climbing stairs) , and i haven't has to limit my role at work, or home due to physical problems. 3
3 Over the past month, I've been able to do things that require concentration, such as keeping up with my bills, considering important decisions, or performing well at work. 2
4 Over the past month, my emotions or personal problems have not caused me to do less at work, or in usual daily activities. 2
5 Over the past month, I've been able to remain as social as ever with my friends & family. 3
6 Over the past month, I've had the energy to face the challenges of each day. 2
My "Q" score: 15
Their table:
26-30 You're doing great! Answers indicate your current QOL is very good to excellent.
17-25 You're doing pretty well. Answers indicate that while you're doing well in some areas, there may be room for improvement in others.
6-16 You could be doing better. Your current medication may be a factor.

1-800-456-2255 for more information.
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