twas the night before christmas....and by 6:30 pm i was already down for the count, even before the gifts we exchanged! i understand now that as you get older, the packages get smaller then eventually end up as these cutesy little boutique bags. christ, i could barely get my hand in it! it made me think of my early days, exploring 501's....that's another story we'll leave under the rug. all sarcasm aside, it was a very relaxing and memorable christmas eve. first stop, yet another holiday in haddock with my extended family, the fornataro's (dan, joan aka mummsy and danny) and our FAB designer friend from the big apple, kaj! imagine what goes through his mind, trapped out here in the sticks of pa! with no surprise, those in the know always sport at least one piece of black during the holiday celebration! and since we're mentioning holiday attire, someone should take personal note that if you plan on sporting blue velour and a potty mouth, people will remember! the gifts were thoughtful, mummsy's city chicken was delicious as always and diana krall sang holiday classics in the background; the cd of course. we took in war of the worlds and the will & grace holiday special. sad to say, no beverly. to bed 2:30 am.
morning came too quickly, then i was whisked off (11 am) to the pilot truck stop (don't even, it's christmas) to meet up with my brother, kennet for the next trip to mom's in berwick. as always mom went over the top; her apt. was beautifully decorated with victorian themed trimmings and her gifts, very unique & personal. we were soon joined by my uncle, tony, which meant it was time to eat! well that was the plan but i had changed that unfortunately. by 1 pm i was wiped out, again, so i headed for the bed for another long nap. once i woke up i was seated at the table for a delicious holiday dinner filled with ham, my favorite vegetable-lima beans and homemade scalped potatoes (they blow martha's recipe right out of the pot!) and sandy's famous cole-slaw. sorry it's her secret mix and it's not public. no snow for christmas, just cool high 30's and rain.
kennet and i left around 3:30 pm and headed back to nepa. by 4:30 pm i was back on the road, driving to the big b for my shift 5-11 pm. funny, people rent movies like crazy on christmas night. we had shoppers all the way up to 11 pm. then 11:20 pm came and i headed back home, which takes half an hour one way, to unpack and unwind. all in all it was a wonderful time with both family's, it's just never enough time. i will say the only thing missing this holiday was diva.
this week i'll look forward to visiting with my other friends joe and peter. by the weekend david and wendy will have arrived from boston and we'll celebrate the new year at moms.
thanks to all of you for putting a little sparkle in my holiday! i needed that...
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