i want to share the following with you...one of the guys ("c") i work with today told me about a new boy he is starting to "get to know". with the advanced technology of a cell phone, i was able to see a pic of this person. the picture of "d" was an outside shot, taken at dusk. on a first glance, he seems pretty basic and simple and by no means unattractive. earlier today "c" got a voice message from him as he decided to to tell his story of the missing orange.
please forgive me if i don't remember all the details...in "d"'s message he spoke about shortly after arriving at work today, he noticed one of the oranges he brought along to work had gone missing. he went on to say that he wasn't too happy about it and that that he would later, head back tot the car and look for it. listening to his voice and the words he chose to describe the situation, i got a real sense of an honest, passionate, wholesome person. a few hours later "c" gets his second message; the mystery of the missing orange was still unsolved.
jumping ahead to closing time, "c" gets the call. the missing orange had been found. just listening to them gabble on the phone i could tell how happy everyone was feeling about the orange.
the subject matter of this call could have been about a new nick of paint missing from the escelade. maybe it was the hair gel not holding its own or better yet, it could have simply been me, me, me.
instead it was only about an orange. something natural, something sweet and something real.
i tip my hat to you "d"!