there, there my anxious readers.... the complete interview with dear, sweet sally secret is coming. please, don't loose hope...if i said i would, you know i will!
by ron beck
Those of us who have long been supporters of Armageddon have naturally been greatly cheered by way the president of the United States has been embracing our cause. Our desire to bring chaos, death and destruction to a greater swathe of humanity has, in the past, often been frustrated by peacemakers and do-gooders of all shades of the political spectrum.
George Bush has finally put Armageddon firmly on the political agenda, and it is likely to stay there for the foreseeable future.
This means that we Armageddonists need keep to the shadows no longer. Bush and his colleagues in the White House have given us credibility and respectability. They have made our goal their goal, and death, disease, war and famine are now the most likely fate for more people in the Middle East than we Armageddonists had ever dared to hope for.
What is also particularly gratifying - after this long wait - is that George could not have chosen a better spot on Earth for the "End of Things" to begin, nor a more appropriate agent than Israel to get the ball rolling.
After all "Armageddon" is a Hebrew word. It has come to signify "the end of times" or the arrival of catastrophic events, involving huge loss of life. In its origins, however, Har-Mageddon meant simply "the mountain of Megiddo" - Megiddo being a site in Israel close to the border with Lebanon.
It is certainly a place that has seen a lot of catastrophe in its time. Although there has not been a city at Megiddo for over 2,000 years, there are, nevertheless the remains of more than 20 different cities on the site, dating from 3,000 BC. That's an awful lot of human death and destruction.
So it's the perfect place for George to unleash the horsemen of the Apocalypse, and, as Armageddonists, we applaud him. The current assault on Lebanese civilians is sure to swell the ranks of would-be terrorists beyond even our wildest dreams, spreading the violence and mayhem not only throughout the Middle East but into the homelands of America and Britain.
As for the country of Lebanon itself, we Armageddonists predict that, like Iraq, it will sink into a morass of sectarian violence that will fill morgues of the future that have not yet been built. But more than that, we Armegeddonists confidently look forward to chaos and havoc quickly getting out of hand and beyond the control of those who started the conflict. It's all part of the fun.
So Armageddonists of the world! Let us unite in praise of George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. Let us thank these men for bringing our dreams of violence and disorder to fruition.
Let us hope that whatever half-baked notions fill what passes for their minds, they will continue on this irreversible path to perdition from which the whole world recoils, but seems powerless to stop.
Thirteen-month-old Leo is due in New York on Wednesday after surviving both the loss of his parents and the Pakistani earthquake.
He was found in the snow-hit north of the country last year by a shepherd who hand-fed him to keep him alive.
The snow leopard is one of the world's most endangered big cat species.
'Shepherd's compassion'
Leo - one of only a few thousand snow leopards left in the wild - was found by the shepherd in the mountains of north Pakistan in July 2005.
When I sat down and started to put together this interview, I must say I wasn't too sure what to expect from a green faced witch. I remember her from my childhood and that annoying cackle of hers. I think I was nine when my fist migraine hit me. Oh, and those flying monkeys...where in gods name did they come from? Never mind, that’s only one of six things Sally doesn’t want to know. Because of our younger listening audience tonight, I’ll refrain from telling you the other five. Ah, hold on just a second, it's been a busy week and my throat is aching....Christina! (She’s my new assistant and a distant relative of you know who) how bout that stoli! "Ms Secret, we are recording!" a quick turn to the left "thank you. ooops, I just can't stop saying what's on my mind... oh and before I forget, I want to say hello girls to Mandy Magnolia & Danesha Daffodil, this cute lesbian couple I meet while at the red light at 48th and 9th. They were washing their over-alls at the coin op, that new place... fluff & fold. Nice girls, very polite. They never asked for change? Anyway...slurp, that was refreshing.
After spending over 3 hours with her, I certainly learned a great deal about her “night job” at the movie place and all its inner mechanics, both public and private. Talk about entertainment! By the end of the interview, you to will also learn as did I, that she is truly a victim of several double standards. Hey, she's no post-it note, let me tell you. Well listeners, here is her true story. And no this isn’t the version you already heard. This one is sure to light a few dark hallways. Like the one in the loft with, oh won't dare bother with that right now...Max, you were fabulous! Good luck on your algebra test!
Editor’s note: some of the names have been changed to protect the guilty.
SS: Welcome to my show, Ms. Witch
Ww: Right. Thank you for your interest in my personal story.
SS: So, word on the street is you got the axe…
Ww: Every block of oak someday meets their axe dear. Blades dull over time and oaks survive. Talk to Treebeard, he’ll tell you.
SS: Ah, ok, I’ll talk to the trees the next time the cab drops me off at the forest. Anyway, I’m quite surprised at you’re a “manor of speaking” if you will. Being the Wicked Witch, my first thought was your vocabulary would be limited and a little gritty, if you know what I mean.
Ww: Just because someone calls you “wicked” doesn’t mean you’re uneducated. You know the old saying; don’t judge a book by its cover? I was but a young girl at the time that was quoted. It’s easy to judge others, especially when you don’t want to see your true self in the mirror. All you need do is cast all that hatred and guilt at someone else so that you can feel free of it.
SS: Ooh I love looking at myself in the mirror; I have one in every room of my apartment. And tossing a little spicy sauce here and there is always fun... I just love the after stains!
Ww: If you say so, Sally. If I may, I’d like to stand for a moment and show you something.
SS: Sure thing honey, unless it’s a secret birth defect. I’ve got a weak stomach to begin with.
Ww: There there dear, no need to worry of such things. Pay close attention…
SS: Good Christ! You’re pulling off your green skin? Sweet Loraine, you’re the Good Witch of the North!
GW: Yes I am dear. My heavens…look at the silk and lace, all wrinkled from this dreadful witch’s costume. All things come clean, in time. I wore this because I’ve been labeled as such. It’s time to step forward and show them who I really am. I must say that all the anger and disgust that has been running through my veins recently, has made me uneasy. I take great pride in being a good person, but the only way to have some closure to this matter is to become, temporarily, a wicked witch. This is why I have asked for this interview. I can do and say what needs to be, then walking away from it. I think now would be a good time to get comfortable and have a cup of tea. I have much to tell you. I’ve harbored many things for almost two years; a load I needn’t carry any longer.
SS: Christina! Two tea’s, one no spike. OK let’s break for a commercial and come back wand’s loaded!
To be continued…
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