in some respects,
this is one of my favorite times of the year. the time when the temperaure cools down, the sun slightly shines and the nights breeze starts it's chill.

it's also a time of year for me, over sleeping everyday and somehow knowing i'll have more time in the night.
we've spent most of the past months, warm and uncovered from the sun. now, we begin to bring small amounts of the pieces back that will soon hide so much of us; so much our selves.
imagine if we could take the "cold" out of cold...
a winter white without the freezing temperatures, we could be among the snow and all the glistening until the wee hours of the morning.
and with the seasonal changes. i start to set aside all the "up tempo" & "tribal rhythms" of the summer's cd stacks. almost as if i want to speedup the cool tingle of december, i now change the music direction to jazz. it's cool, crisp and with just a touch of "you better dim the lights and drop the blinds"...yeah, you know what i mean. the perfect audio pallet for the cool coulours that linger in the rich, black skies of winter.

tonight's first choice was the new chris botti, live with special guests. i doubled my scenses rewards with the dvd audio 5.1 tracks! kicked it out!
remember those thought/action bubbles in the old episodes that popped up over batman.... it's all that was missing from this live performance of chris botti's. had it been there, it would have read "BAM"! botti's assembled one of the best jazz bands ever, together on one stage, all at the same time. now you know, you've already got your moneys worth. but wait, it's a one, two punch. the second blow comes from the guest vocal line-up...christ, all midty i'm down from a sung tko!
paula cole, paul buchanan, jill scott (stay focused, there's more) renee olstead, sting and gladys knight. it final, complete, end of story, shut it down - you are done! the bumps and chills from reading this line up flipped over, once i heard em... the water ran like a raging river, destine to overtake and conquer, from my eyes almost the entire 1 hour 30 minute performances.
take the day off, call off or do what ever you do, just get it and roll in and out of it.
oh, did I forget to say "good morning heartache, you old gloomy side" and "if you plan on hangin' around and i mean all the way-around it, you best get a job cause this manz still got bills to pay!"
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