This past July, 2006 I had an unfortunate change in my employment status and lost my health care coverage; also unable to afford the continued coverage through Cobra @ $385.00 per month! Not until mid August 2006, was I able to secure new employment but they only offered about 30 hours per week and no insurance options at the present time. And in-case your wondering what the total cost per month for all my prescribed/needed meds are (straight over the counter price without any drug coverage) , I'm sad to say it would be around $3,000.00.... what a disgusting amount to pay to feel moderately o.k.. For those of you with MS you know exactly what I mean and for those of you who don't: there's no cure yet for us, the meds are a constant give & take for the end results. Some make one thing more tolerable while enhancing the awful effects of another. I.E. the provigil (prescription speed so to speak) fights the MS daily fatigue but inturn it can make you hyper. Fear not, I get to look forward to another pill later in the night to bring me back down. Then it's one to stop the restless leg syndrome and one to help me sleep. It's a rollercoaster ride of daily trade-offs that quite simply put, SUCKS!
Needless to say I have been without my prescriptions and drug coverage for a few months now, the lack of proper medications has definitely taken its toll on me and my body. Simply stated, if you looked at my situation as a race between me and the MS, the MS has taken a strong lead and reeked its unforgiving havoc on my body,mind and sole. I have been seeking assistance and continue to run into one road block after another. I would never wish this particular "hunt for help" on even my worst enemies.

Magically, I sat down today in the break room and stumbled on an article in Newsweek on RLS; restless leg syndrome. The article was somewhat enlightening and all too familiar. At the very end of the article, in very small print (almost too small to notice) , under an add for Requip (RLS drug), was a web address/phone number for assistance for prescription drugs: PPA or Partnership For Prescription Assistance (https://www.pparx.org/Intro.php). I was a little excited at first, then I reminded myself of others, like it, and I remembered all the paperwork, the phone calls, the waiting and the turn downs... you've got to keep trying, right? So I went to the web site and started my next journey into prescription assistance. Over all, I found the site to be helpful, informative and easy to navigate through. So all the information has been sent and now I'll do what I'm getting used to doing these days...waiting to see the answers...
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