Passionate & Progressive thinking, finally...
Live in San Francisco (or anywhere, really)? Make sure you’ve got some candles on hand. Yesterday—Saturday, October 20th—was LightsOutSF—a citywide energy conservation effort aimed at “controlling our growing appetite for energy” and “fighting climate change with the flip of a switch.”
Participation is easy: Turn off all non-essential lighting tomorrow night from 8-9 p.m., and switch one light bulb in your house from incandescent to CFL (if you haven’t switched them all already!). LightsOutSF estimates that turning lights out in San Francisco for even one hour could save as much as 15 percent of the energy consumed on an average Saturday night. 15 percent! In 60 minutes!
Get involved. Turn something off! Get your locals on board with this idea! Follow this link for more information Lights Out America, which is scheduled for March 29, 2008!
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