i over heard ms. la belle talkin the other day, and she said
girl, i was at the party and i did see him. thats right, he is the new GGB honey! What chu say? You don't know the 411 on GGB! Galatic Gay Boy, write that down! When he's got it all said and done, he'll be puttin' the S-O-U-L back in solar system.
Oh and one more thing child, I saw all the bags in her trunk plus buckets of glitter, rollers, paint cans, rods, swatches and more fabric than all the queens capes put together! Some buddy better call NASA. There's gonna be pink in the sky, I can feel it deep down inside! You fool, not there, my soul! Yes, My soul...
Hey Ron. It's Lauren's boyfriend Ben. Lauren pointed me to your aquarium design stuff and there are things I'd like out of that. We can talk more tomorrow. I assume you'll be there.
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