so, last week i made my usual trip to berwick to celebrate sandy's birthday. i drove in the night before so we could snack out & watch a movie!
safe to safe, she and i are definitely getting "older".
we had all the best snacks and a great movie so how did we fall asleep after the first hour? once the morning came, we got our selves around and spent the entire day together! towards the end of our conquest for bargains, we stopped by the local laundry mat so i could wash up a few things i brought along.
i decided last week to wash my queen size comforter while i was in, visiting mom. berwicks a pretty safe, mellow town with a clean laundry mat. the thing was so big i had to use a tripple loader which ran about $4.75 just for the wash! i sat till the end of the wash cycle, sorted things out and loaded up two dryers. timers set for 40 minutes and i'm off, back to moms for dinner. i had finished eating just shy of 35 minutes, gulped a glass of water and headed back to the fluff & fold.
for the first time, in all my years, somebody stoled my load! of course they left behind the smaller miss match of items in dryer 13. certain to say their eyes we on the prize, # 11 with my $100 queen size comforter! sons a bitches!!! well, i was only angry for a minute or two then folded the remains and went back for desert...homemade lemon cake!
as you get older, you have to learn to let go of things, especially anger.
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