i'm long over due for a break from the life i know here. this weekend i'll be in philly on holiday with sin and regret. oh, yes i mean dan & kaj! a clue...only one of them likes A LITTLE Dark chocolate!
it's my fist time seeing donna designers lair of data tracking & action figure collecting! to understand the true ways, one must visit the temple. surfaces darling, surfaces!
can you believe, she has a garage of her own!
it's also the first time that dan & i are in philly with kaj! i can't wait! YES, YES PLENTY OF PINK LITTLE PILLS DARLING FOR THE PARTY! the plans thus far are flexible but IKEA, spider man 3 and a little clubbing are a definite. long gone are the days when we were "ladies of the night" now it's just 3 bitches in the dark who know... we are fabulous!
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