as i mentioned earlier, i've been busy with a few other side projects. the aquarium design project is just about complete. i still have a few other pieces to finish off along with a few odds & ends. The finished designs will then need to be cataloged and photographed. I'm pretty happy so far with the results. It was a manageable investment that i hope will turn well over time. i can't tell you how great its felt to be creative again. i would spend 3 or 4 hours a night (after work and on days off) planning, researching, hunting for the product and designing. it was all i could do some nights to stop "working"!
oh, and the new blog is up and still has much to done to it. small steps right? i made a long list of potential names for the aquarium blog. much to my dismay, almost all were not available name-address for a blog. so i then tried to break down into key area's, what i wanted to achieve with the aquarium blog. the end result was this title '
aquarium lifestyle'. i'll explain another time, the details of it.
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