1. Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.
2. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
3. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.
4. Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn’t changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can’t marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.
5. Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britany Spears’ 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.
6. Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn’t be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren’t full yet, and the world needs more children.
7. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
8. Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That’s why we have only one religion in America.
9. Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That’s why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.
10. Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven’t adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.
Ten Reasons Gay Marriage is Un-American
Helen Mirren, on gay marriage
songza a new music search engine

Songza is the brainchild of 23-year-old Aza Raskin — the president of Chicago-based software company Humanized, Inc., and the son of Apple Macintosh founder Jef Raskin. Over the course of a month, he and Humanized's Web/Systems Architect Scott Robbin worked weekends to bring the idea to life. The site launched on November 8, 2007 and instantly generated significant buzz around the world. Hundreds of bloggers and news writers have praised its elegant user interface, beautiful design, and all-around utility.
about your halloween costume

i over heard ms. la belle talkin the other day, and she said
girl, i was at the party and i did see him. thats right, he is the new GGB honey! What chu say? You don't know the 411 on GGB! Galatic Gay Boy, write that down! When he's got it all said and done, he'll be puttin' the S-O-U-L back in solar system.
Oh and one more thing child, I saw all the bags in her trunk plus buckets of glitter, rollers, paint cans, rods, swatches and more fabric than all the queens capes put together! Some buddy better call NASA. There's gonna be pink in the sky, I can feel it deep down inside! You fool, not there, my soul! Yes, My soul...
lights out america

Passionate & Progressive thinking, finally...
Live in San Francisco (or anywhere, really)? Make sure you’ve got some candles on hand. Yesterday—Saturday, October 20th—was LightsOutSF—a citywide energy conservation effort aimed at “controlling our growing appetite for energy” and “fighting climate change with the flip of a switch.”
Participation is easy: Turn off all non-essential lighting tomorrow night from 8-9 p.m., and switch one light bulb in your house from incandescent to CFL (if you haven’t switched them all already!). LightsOutSF estimates that turning lights out in San Francisco for even one hour could save as much as 15 percent of the energy consumed on an average Saturday night. 15 percent! In 60 minutes!
Get involved. Turn something off! Get your locals on board with this idea! Follow this link for more information Lights Out America, which is scheduled for March 29, 2008!
doug liman's jumper trailer

the trailer for Jumper, is finally up and hayden christensen has certainly changed from the earlier days of star wars!
film looks good!
slide - what's in yours?

Slide is the largest personal media network in the world, reaching more than 134 million unique global viewers each month and 30 percent of the U.S. Internet audience. We help people express themselves and tell stories through personalized photos and videos created on Slide.com and viewed anywhere on the web or desktop.
Slide widgets — including Slide Shows, Guestbooks, SkinFlix and FunPix — are popular on top social networking and blog platforms, including MySpace, Facebook, Bebo, Hi5, Friendster, Tagged, Piczo and Blogger. Slide is also the leading application developer on Facebook with more than 45 million applications installed. Slide's "Top Friends" has more than 3 million active daily users, making it the most active application by more than four times that of any other 3rd party developer.
Launched in 2005 and founded by PayPal co-founder Max Levchin, Slide is backed by Mayfield Fund, Blue Run Ventures, Khosla Ventures and Founders Fund.
darren hayes falling at your feet
cafe solaire soul collections
fall promotion
Airline comes out with gay-themed flight
SAN FRANCISCO - Air New Zealand is delving into the gay and lesbian market with a special themed flight that will feature drag queens, pink cocktails and a cabaret performed by the flight crew.

The destination for the airline's one-time "Pink Flight," scheduled to depart San Francisco International Airport on Feb. 26, is the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras in Sydney, Australia, one of the world's most well-attended gay events, said Jodi Williams, an Air New Zealand marketing director.
"We are looking at tailoring the inseat entertainment and having gay-friendly movies and contests and different music and things like that," Williams said. The airline also plans to throw a "Get-Onboard-Girlfriend" going away party for its passengers, who will pay an average of $1,000 roundtrip.

That's what a TV Week interview-article is saying to us and we're listening because we dig BSG (Battlestar Galactica) and think it's the best thang on the small(er) screen (along with 30 Rock, Mad Men, and the visual version of TAL). Apparently, execs at NBC Universal fear a non-Ron Moore (BSG co-creator) future.
No final word until January (after season 4 begins) on whether or not suited execs will break season four into two and break fans hungry hearts.
heavenly couches
Doctor warns consumers of popcorn fumes

Consumers, not just factory workers, may be in danger from fumes from buttery flavoring in microwave popcorn, according to a warning letter to federal regulators from a doctor at a leading lung research hospital.
A pulmonary specialist at Denver's National Jewish Medical and Research Center has written to federal agencies to say doctors there believe they have the first case of a consumer who developed lung disease from the fumes of microwaving popcorn several times a day for years.
"We cannot be sure that this patient's exposure to butter flavored microwave popcorn from daily heavy preparation has caused his lung disease," cautioned Dr. Cecile Rose. "However, we have no other plausible explanation."
The July letter, made public Tuesday by a public health policy blog, refers to a potentially fatal disease commonly called popcorn lung that has been the subject of lawsuits by hundreds of workers at food factories exposed to chemicals used for flavoring.
In response to Rose's finding, the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association issued a statement Tuesday recommending that its members reduce "to the extent possible" the amount of diacetyl in butter flavorings they make. It noted that diacetyl is approved for use in flavors by the federal Food and Drug Administration.
One national popcorn manufacturer, Weaver Popcorn Co. of Indianapolis, said last week it would replace the butter flavoring ingredient because of consumer concern. Congress has also been debating new safety measures for workers in food processing plants exposed to diacetyl.
The FDA said in an e-mail it is evaluating Rose's letter and "carefully considering the safety and regulatory issues it raises."
Fred Blosser, spokesman for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, said it is the first case the institute has seen of lung disease apparently linked to popcorn fumes outside the workplace.
The occupational safety arm of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it is working on a response to the letter.
William Allstetter, spokesman for National Jewish Medical, confirmed the letter was sent by Rose, a specialist in occupational and environmental lung diseases and director of the hospital's Occupational and Environmental Medicine Clinic.
"There have been no other cases that we know of other than the industrial occupational ones," Allstetter said.
Rose acknowledged in the letter that it is difficult to confirm through one case that popping buttered microwave popcorn at home can cause lung disease.
However, she said she wanted to alert regulators of the potential public health implications.
Rose said the ailing patient, a man whom she wouldn't identify, consumed "several bags of extra butter flavored microwave popcorn" every day for several years.
He described progressively worsening respiratory symptoms of coughing and shortness of breath. Tests found his ability to exhale was deteriorating, Rose said, although his condition seemed to stabilize after he quit using microwave popcorn.
She said her staff measured airborne levels of diacetyl in the patient's home when he cooked the popcorn. The levels were "similar to those reported in the microwave oven exhaust area" at the quality assurance unit of the popcorn plant where the affected employees worked, she said.
David Michaels, of the George Washington University School of Public Health, who first published Rose's letter on his blog, The Pump Handle, said the finding is another reason for federal regulators to crack down on diacetyl exposure by workers and consumers.
"This letter is a red flag, suggesting that exposure to food flavor chemicals is not just killing workers, but may also be causing disease in people exposed to food flavor chemicals in their kitchens," Michaels wrote on his public health policy blog.
Oldest man marks 112th birthday

Tomoji Tanabe, who was born in 1895, says avoiding alcohol is the secret of his longevity.
He drinks milk, does not smoke, keeps a diary and reads the newspaper daily.
He was declared the oldest man in January by Guinness World Records after the death of Emiliano Mercado Del Toro, of Puerto Rico, at 115.
Mr Tanabe received 100,000 yen ($900, £440) and flowers from the local mayor in the town of Miyakonojo.
"I want to live indefinitely. I don't want to die," he said as he marked his birthday, Kyodo News agency reported.
Japan is said to have the largest population of centenarians in the world, with some 30,000 citizens aged 100 and over.
ron beck designs

the stuff? unique gift ideas, floral designs, hand crafted and plenty of eye candy! and beyond that, some collectibles that i stumble on. web link here ronbeckdesigns
so in the weeks and months to come i will be posting these new design / gift ideas as they develop. many of the items will be available for purchase via my ebay; additional links and details to follow. comments are always welcome.
as for the aquarium designs:

Texan spiders spin 'monster web'

It is not the work of one giant spider - rather, millions of small ones have been spinning away and now it is twice the size of a football field.
Park rangers are not sure why the spiders have joined forces - they describe it as a rare occurrence.
Texas A&M University entomologist Professor John Jackman told Associated Press that there were reports of similar webs every couple of years.
The web covers a 180m (650ft) stretch of trees and shrubs in the park.
Although it was initially described as "fairy-tale" white, it has turned brown from all the mosquitoes caught in its trap.
Experts say the web is either the work of social cobweb spiders that work together, or it has been created by spiders spreading out from a central point.
The park superintendent, Donna Garde, has invited arachnid and insect specialists to the park to study it first-hand.
Rangers said they expected the web to last until the autumn, when the spiders will start dying off.
george miller, maybe JLA?

according to collider.com entertainment news...
According to a very trusted source, I’ve been informed that George Miller (“Happy Feet,” “Mad Max,” “Babe”) is considering directing the Warner Bros. live-action movie “Justice League of
And while this is just a rumor, it comes from the same source that told me Marc Forster was the front runner to direct the new James Bond movie, and I’d posted that info about a month before it became official.
Of course things can change as he might pass on the film, but as of now he’s the one WB is going after and all he has to do is say yes.
And for those on the side lines and didn’t know WB was actively pursuing making a “Justice League” movie… they are.
The next thing I’ve heard is which Superheroes might be in the running for the first big budget team-up movie. They would be Superman, Batman, The Flash, Wonder Woman and the Green Lantern.
I’ve also heard from sources that the “Justice League” film is more of a priority for WB than the sequel to “Superman,” so don’t be surprised if you see Brandon Routh in “Justice League” first.
And here’s a last bit of news… the biggest rumor that I’d heard (from another source) is that one of the superheroes in "Justice League" wouldn’t see a sequel. Yup, WB is planning a death. And while I can go further… I’ll stop there and let you wonder who won’t make it.
And before you go… let me be clear. Everything regarding any “Justice League” movie can obviously change. It’s so early in development that a new script could dramatically alter how they make the movie. But as of right now, the info I just wrote is as accurate as it can be. Obviously as I find out new info I’ll pass it on….
coming soon, july 2007
World Wide Aquarium & Pets offers one of the best and largest selections of Fresh & Salt Water fish I've ever seen! They also offer a great selection of accessories, pet food and aquarium furniture. The staff is very friendly, knowledgeable and eager to help! Click on their logo to visit.

Avengers are heroes
'Avengers' are heroes on horizon
By Borys KitJune 14, 2007
"Avengers" has acted as the company's answer to DC Comics' best-seller "Justice League of America," which was banded together such A-list heroes as Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Aquaman, Flash and Green Lantern as well as the Martian Manhunter. One question that the respective companies will have to address before either movie is greenlighted is whether to include the marquee superheroes such as Superman and the Hulk in ensemble projects. If "The Avengers" and "Justice League" ultimately do include the biggest names among the superhero fraternity, then the question would turn to casting. Should Warners try to get Christian Bale and Brandon Routh, who star as Superman and Batman in their respective movies, into the ensemble films? Should Marvel talk to Norton and Downey about starring in "Avengers"? The answers could be years in the making.
kvs logo flip, atomic spaces loaded

i'm happy to say, kaj has begun his residential & commercial journey into design, spaces that is. from this day foraward, kvs designs can be found by clicking on the logo above. and keep your eyes opened, you will see them and feel them, all over Philadelphia in the not so distant future!
logo design copyrighted-ron beck
logo design-ron beck
01 june, 2007
hannibal rising

the hannibal films have always been personal favorites although i think of them as films and not teachers. the latest installment to the lecter family is "hannibal rising" which stars a young frenchmen named gaspard ulliel.

the films best viewed with the idea, that it is its own film and not so much part of past versions. the story is about a young boy who experiences horrific extraordinary moments in his childhood. it is those situations that turn this hopeful boy into a young and powerful monster. the flesh eating kind, of course. gaspards performance is great as is the rest of the cast. you can see hopkin's influence in gaspard's performance. to its credit, hannibal rising's screen adaptation is flawless and executed with sheer precision; by none other than its own novelist thomas harris. if only more films had the writer directly involved!

this is the "missing link" to the lecter films, to know the future we must first understand why and where it began.
US anti-war mother ends protest
She has camped outside President Bush's ranch since 2005, demanding a meeting over the death of her son in Iraq.
But announcing the end of her campaign, she also hit out at Democrats and anti-war campaigners who put "personal egos above peace and human life".
She said she had sacrificed her health, her marriage and her finances.
In a letter on the Daily Kos website titled Good Riddance Attention Whore - a reference to the abuse she says she has suffered, Ms Sheehan said: "I am going to take whatever I have left and go home.
"I am going to go home and be a mother to my surviving children and try to regain some of what I have lost."
'War machine'
Cindy Sheehan became a "postergirl" for the US anti-war movement after she set up her protest camp outside the president's ranch in Crawford, Texas in August 2005.
She said she has spent all the money from the survivor's benefits paid for her son's death and everything she earned from speaking and book fees and that she owed large hospital bills.
"I have been called every despicable name that small minds can think of and have had my life threatened many times."
She said her son Casey, who died in Baghdad in April 2004, was "killed by his own country which is beholden to and run by a war machine that even controls what we think.
| Casey died for a country which cares more about who will be the next American Idol Cindy Sheehan |
"Casey died for a country which cares more about who will be the next American Idol than how many people will be killed in the next few months while Democrats and Republicans play politics with human lives.
"It is so painful to me to know that I bought into this system for so many years and Casey paid the price for that allegiance. I failed my boy and that hurts the most."
Ms Sheehan criticised the US anti-war movement for often putting "personal egos" first.
"It is hard to work for peace when the very movement that is named after it has so many divisions."
She said that one-time allies among the Democratic Party had turned on her when she no longer limited her protests over the Iraq war to the Republican Party.
The US will rapidly descend into "a fascist corporate wasteland," she said, if "alternatives to this corrupt 'two' party system" are not found.
Ms Sheehan said she was resigning as the "face" of the US anti-war movement.
She said she would "never give up trying to help people in the world who are harmed by the empire of the good old US of A, but I am finished working in, or outside of this system."
Watchmen casting

Tim Roth aka Abomination
Tim Roth Will Play 'Hulk' Bad Guy, Abomination
Posted May 9th 2007 2:34PM by Ryan StewartThe major roles are now cast. Edward Norton is the gentleman-turned-giant Bruce Banner, lovely Liv Tyler will play his long-time love Betty Ross, and now Tim Roth has been cast as the The Incredible Hulk's nemesis, Abomination as well as his alter-ego Emil Blonsky. Variety notes that Roth's deal is still being negotiated, but it's apparently close enough to being sealed that they felt confident in declaring that this thing is a lock. Blonsky is a KGB agent who is exposed to the same gamma rays that turned Bruce Banner into the Hulk, but things get screwy with his transformation and he's unable to revert back to human form. He is, however, still able to retain the mental faculties of a human, according to a handy bio of the character on Wikipedia. His other powers include being able to hop long distances like the Hulk, as well as having healing powers and -- I'm not making this up -- being able to hold his breath for a long time. I seriously hope that comes into play in the film, otherwise I'll feel cheated.
this song, elton john's, love song
The words I have to say
May well be simple but theyre true
Until you give your love
Theres nothing more that we can do
Love is the opening door
Love is what we came here for
No one could offer you more
Do you know what I mean
Have your eyes really seen
You say its very hard
To leave behind the life we knew
But theres no other way
And now its really up to you
Love is the key we must turn
Truth is the flame we must burn
Freedom the lesson we must learn
Do you know what I mean
Have your eyes really seen

Available on the album tumbleweed connection
save money, roll your own

yes, i smoke (parliament lights) and have been for longer than i can remember. i know it's "bad" for me and i also know about several hundred other things we do that's bad for us as well; like pay taxes, going to war, not using a broom, working all our lives or men! anyway, the cost of this habit of ours is expensive and doesn't seem to ever get cheaper. sure some of the big guys like phillip morris offer "deals" from time to time like buy one get one free. other company's are now also producing "cheaper" cigarettes like bronco's or usa gold. the cheaper price per pack versions have a cheaper grade of tobacco in it, therefore the price is less and the taste is almost foul by comparison. so we all decide whats best in price and or in taste.
one thing we seem to forget is that there are other options beyond pumping millions of dollars into the wells of these far too rich big tobacco companies. yes the options are slim by comparison and require a little extra time and patience but in the end the out of pocket expense is drastically less. i am of course talking about rolling your own cigarettes.
here are some things to consider... lets say you smoke one pack a day (brand name) , average price per pack $4.50 (20 cigarettes). that will then run you $31.50 a week, $126.00 a month and $1512.00 a year. all this by choosing a name brand and or a premium blend.
here's an alternative , rolling your own. a small bag of rolling tobacco averages about $1.30 for a descent blend / brand. yes there are other a little cheaper and a few more expensive. that one pouch of rolling tobacco will yield about 30 cigarettes. the empty cigarette tubes average about $1.25 for a box 200 (varieties like full flavor, lite and ultra lite). again they to vary depending on the brand name and quality. last but most important is the rolling mechanism. there are a variety of "hand held" models (mostly plastic) $5-$8 or the automatic hand crank models (mostly metal) $20-$50. there are electric models made but they are far too expensive in my opinion.
drum roll please... the over cost of rolling your looks sorta like this, smoking one pack per day. it's about $1.00 a day, $7.00 a week, $28.00 a month and $336.00 a year. a savings of about $1176.00 a year!
a few things i've learned since i started rolling my own: the hand held models are pretty good and take a little time in getting used to; technique. the higher priced crank models are the easiest to use and produce far more in less time but agian they cost more. i purchased the zig zag hand rioller to start and found it didn't fill the hollow tube too tightly so i went looking for another model. i found the bugler brand hand roller to be the best over all for $7.00. as for the tubes it's anyones call on choice. i tried a few different companies (zig zag, tops, premier) and in the end decided on the gizeh (imported) to be the best especially because they are the only manufacturer who offers a charbon added filter inside the main filter. the tobacco choice is a tough call; everyone has specific tastes they look for. the choices are a plenty, featuring turkish or american blends along with a few other mixs of sorts. so far for me the bugler mellow gold and the bali shag light are my personal favorites. with the cost of the pouch tobacco being so cheap, it's easy to try a few different brands without spending a lot of money.
make sure you competitive shop for brands and prices, there are differences out there both on line and locally. one of the largest on line stores is roll your own
a short holiday

i'm long over due for a break from the life i know here. this weekend i'll be in philly on holiday with sin and regret. oh, yes i mean dan & kaj! a clue...only one of them likes A LITTLE Dark chocolate!
it's my fist time seeing donna designers lair of data tracking & action figure collecting! to understand the true ways, one must visit the temple. surfaces darling, surfaces!
can you believe, she has a garage of her own!
it's also the first time that dan & i are in philly with kaj! i can't wait! YES, YES PLENTY OF PINK LITTLE PILLS DARLING FOR THE PARTY! the plans thus far are flexible but IKEA, spider man 3 and a little clubbing are a definite. long gone are the days when we were "ladies of the night" now it's just 3 bitches in the dark who know... we are fabulous!
a day with mom

so, last week i made my usual trip to berwick to celebrate sandy's birthday. i drove in the night before so we could snack out & watch a movie!
safe to safe, she and i are definitely getting "older".
we had all the best snacks and a great movie so how did we fall asleep after the first hour? once the morning came, we got our selves around and spent the entire day together! towards the end of our conquest for bargains, we stopped by the local laundry mat so i could wash up a few things i brought along.
i decided last week to wash my queen size comforter while i was in, visiting mom. berwicks a pretty safe, mellow town with a clean laundry mat. the thing was so big i had to use a tripple loader which ran about $4.75 just for the wash! i sat till the end of the wash cycle, sorted things out and loaded up two dryers. timers set for 40 minutes and i'm off, back to moms for dinner. i had finished eating just shy of 35 minutes, gulped a glass of water and headed back to the fluff & fold.
for the first time, in all my years, somebody stoled my load! of course they left behind the smaller miss match of items in dryer 13. certain to say their eyes we on the prize, # 11 with my $100 queen size comforter! sons a bitches!!! well, i was only angry for a minute or two then folded the remains and went back for desert...homemade lemon cake!
as you get older, you have to learn to let go of things, especially anger.