it's a mental and visual experience i crave daily.
1 july, 2005
here are a few recent dvd's that i spent time with:" immortel" one of the best sci-fi/cgi based films i've ever seen. a few episodes from the bristish crime series "prime suspect" w/hellen mieren.
2 july, 2005
well the peter jackson remake of "kong" has shown its face with this trailer! my first thoughts, i'm unsure. i need to see more. no additional breaking news from the set of ang lee's brokeback mtn., most of the love scene's have been shot. jake seems to be ok with everything so far. once i find a good site for detailed information, i'll link it.
4 july, 2005
over the past few days i've spent more time working on my new bloggs so view time is less for now. recent views: the machinist (christian bale), denied (lee rumohr), hannibal-spl. edt. (anthony hopkins) and the lord of the rings-two towers extended edt. i've been waiting a while to see the machinist (so few rental copy's) but it was well worth the wait. dramatic, dark, suspense and interesting to look at. you've got to respect bale for loosing almost 100 pounds to take on the role. denied was a title that several of my friends had recommended. i'm always a little leary watching gay themed films from some of the smaller g&l studios because their budgets are small and the actors are often hit or miss. the open scene has this crazy girl who screams and hollers far too much. at least the scene is short. at the core of the story are situations and emotions we all can relate to, even if you're not a jock. hannibal has always been a favorite. no i'm not a closet serial killer i just find the film gripping and the performances exceptional. anthony hopkins is one of the few remaining gentlemen, julian moore can do no wrong and gary oldman truly becomes anyone he plays. the lord of the rings trilogy always delivers everything you could want from a film and this 3 hour version had so many additional facts that were removed from the original release. it's a shame to see someone's vision get diced and sliced because of "time".

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith completed George Lucas' double trilogy, which began in 1977. The two-disc DVD will include a documentary produced by Lucasfilm, and features on stunts and Anakin Skywalker's turn to the Dark Side. Lucas said he wanted to chronicle everything that went into making the final film for the DVD release.
Cross generation
"Now fans old and new alike can enjoy the entire Star Wars saga whenever they want," said Steven Feldstein of 20th Century Fox home video. Other special features on the DVD include an internet documentary series featuring 15 segments produced for the web. A new video game, Star Wars: Battlefront II, will also be released on 1 November. Revenge of the Sith has taken $376m (£215.5m) at the US and Canada box office since it opened in cinemas in May.
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